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Frequently Asked Questions...

Q: Can I advertise my business for free on

A: YES! Please fill out the Contact form specifying your interest in our free advertising directory. Please include (1) your business name, (2) a link to your website/ social media page/ Etsy/ etc., (3) a short blurb describing what your business provides to the magical community, (4) what category/categories your business best falls under [from the following: Crystals & Jewelry; Herbs & Spices; Oils, Scents &Soaps; Clothing, Accessories & Decor; Books & Publications; Services & Readings; Candles & Other Burnables; or Other Tools & Useful Items], and (5) which state you are based in.


Q: How do I advertise my business on the Home or other main pages on

A: Please fill out the Contact form specifying your interest in a sponsored advertisement opportunity, indicating your preference (if any) on which page you would like to see your advertisement. If you are not already on the free advertising The Supply Shelf page,  please include (1) your business name, (2) a link to your website/ social media page/ Etsy/ etc., (3) a short blurb describing what your business provides to the magical community, and (4) what category/categories your business best falls under [from the following: Crystals & Jewelry; Herbs & Spices; Oils, Scents &Soaps; Clothing, Accessories & Decor; Books & Publications; Services & Readings; Candles & Other Burnables; or Other Tools & Useful Items]. We strive to keep the prices of these limited advertisement spaces VERY reasonable in order to help both small business owners reach more of their target audience, and us here at cover the monthly operational costs of your #1 magical hub, this growing community, and safe space for practitioners of all paths. Thank you so much for being here!


Q: Can I post about age-sensitive material that I use in my practice?

  A: YES, we just ask that you post respectively, and under the proper topic headings. Because members here are required to be 18 years or older, all members are allowed to post content regarding the use of age-sensitive materials including but not limited to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, bodily fluids, etc. However, if you would like to report an individual post for review, please Contact us!


Q: Why should I donate to, subscribe to, or purchase through ITBC? 

  A: By donating through our Cash App or Amazon Wish List, Subscribing, or making a Purchase, you are helping us secure the future of IntoTheBroomCloset, expand our services to further support the magical community, and are helping us create a safe space for all practitioners to share, learn and connect to one another. Thank you so much for being here, we can't do it without you!

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