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Code of Conduct

The following is a list of ethics and guidelines that all site visitors, members, and subscribers are expected to abide by while utilizing or engaging with IntoTheBroomCloset (also referred to as 'The Site' in the following), in any of its formats. This list is not exhaustive, may be updated at any time with or without notice to existing members/subscribers, and affords the discretion of content removal on a case-by-case basis to owners, management, and other persons of authority to help ensure the safety, respect, and inclusivity of all community members. Thank you for being here and for putting your Magic In Action for a cleaner, safer future for all. Please Contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions... happy exploring!


It's time to turn the handle and venture IntoTheBroomCloset...


silhouette photography of person_edited.

Behavior and content should both be respectful, even if opinions on a specific topic differ, or the subject matter is sensitive. Discussions must be had and stories shared to help enrich and ensure the future is a well-educated one. All people, paths, and spaces deserve respect, and if a user is found to be conducting themselves in a way contrary to that they will be removed from the platform.

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We will never share your information and want all users to know that this site is a safe space for all. Please: maintain your own privacy by not sharing sensitive information publicly; respect other's privacy by not 'doxing' or otherwise sharing harmful information about one another; and Contact us if you discover any such content that disrespects these boundaries.

The Earth is in our hands, and she is chanting for help!


Good vibes with true warm colors in frag


silhouette photography of person_edited.

As a social and e-commerce platform many individuals have the opportunity to share information across countless topics. Therefore, it is understood by users that although many things are to be learned when you venture IntoTheBroomCloset, it is upon the user to do their due diligence in cross referencing/vetting any information or business found therein before acting upon or purchasing from.

women's black and white floral sleeveles

In this space all practitioners of Life have personal autonomy, that is to mean each person has intrinsic and unconditional worth and has the right to self-determination, to exercise their power to make rational decisions, and make moral choices based on their personal compass. All users understand nothing within is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, or otherwise any medical, financial, legal, or other ailment or situation. 

Image by Jon Moore


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